We’d like to say Hello from Message Hero! A new business text messaging service for you to stay in touch with customers and subscribers and market to new customers.
Here at Message Hero we’re a pretty diverse group with lots of different backgrounds including running restaurants, sports clubs and a host of other small businesses. Most of all, we have years of experience in mobile marketing, digital marketing and customer reach. We understand and believe in the awesome power of sms marketing. We know you don’t want to spend time creating complicated marketing campaigns - but you do want to talk to your customers and spread the word about your great products or services.
We reckon you’ve got better things to do than mastering complicated applications so we’ve made Message Hero as simple and straightforward to use as email. We don’t want life to get too dull around here so we’ve tried to make Message Hero fun to use - we hope you enjoy seeing your messages swoosh off to your customers!
Don't let our niceness mislead you though - we've got lots of serious power and technological awesomeness behind our good looking web site.
We’d also like to introduce Message Hero. He’s a pretty special individual that we’re going to tell you more about over the next while. For now, let’s just say he’s a big fan of capes and eye masks. This is just the beginning - we’ve got tons of new features and great ideas to bring you over the coming months! Stay tuned.... To get the latest Message Hero news, tips and insights sign up to our newsletter. Or come join us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!

We reckon you’ve got better things to do than mastering complicated applications so we’ve made Message Hero as simple and straightforward to use as email. We don’t want life to get too dull around here so we’ve tried to make Message Hero fun to use - we hope you enjoy seeing your messages swoosh off to your customers!
Don't let our niceness mislead you though - we've got lots of serious power and technological awesomeness behind our good looking web site.
We’d also like to introduce Message Hero. He’s a pretty special individual that we’re going to tell you more about over the next while. For now, let’s just say he’s a big fan of capes and eye masks. This is just the beginning - we’ve got tons of new features and great ideas to bring you over the coming months! Stay tuned.... To get the latest Message Hero news, tips and insights sign up to our newsletter. Or come join us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!